Rites of Passage
Honour your soul’s journey
Honour your soul’s journey
A Rites of Passage is a bridging ceremony, a ceremony of transition from one life stage to another. Rites of passage are not something new, they are ancient practices that have been lost and forgotten over the years as we have become disconnected from our roots and swept up into the chaos of life.
Our ancestors were often welcomed to adulthood with ceremony and blessings and yet many of us passed from childhood to maidenhood and beyond without clear acknowledgement about our changing landscape. Our passages most commonly still recognized are often about our education, marriages or birth.
The second half of our modern human life rarely bows to our life’s transitions.Our culture encourages women to stay as the maiden, to stay young and forever look young and this is ridiculous. Women embody deep richness beyond maidenhood and we need to honour all of these aspects that lie within our being.
Remember who you are and where you are in the web of life.
Take up more space in the world.
Let your soul essence shine in sisterhood.
Allow the death of your old beliefs.
Dance through the symbolic stages of life.
Fasting and preparations will lead up to the ceremony taking place on the unceded territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw also known as Squamish, on the Summer Solstice Weekend. It will begin at midnight on Saturday June 18th and come to completion at 6am on Sunday morning.
We will begin the evening with a bit of singing and then transition into the wild river of crazy wisdom and fierce love- our Ritual Dance. We will dance through the cycles of life from birth until death taking the time to acknowledge all of the cycles of life that we have moved through, where we are now and what lies ahead. We will complete the Ritual with bringing our voices to the circle and sharing the vows that you choose to honour in your current cycle of time.
This Ritual draws some inspiration from the Mescalero Apache ceremonial traditions. It is also highly influenced and supported by the Tantric Tradition of India and the Maha Vidyas fondly known as the Wisdom Goddesses.
This process will require some emotional, spiritual and psychological preparation. I suggest some time for contemplation on the portals of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. This will be a process of allowing the body to lead, listen and receive from this experience of remembering.
I suggest dedicating yourself to some practices that will support you to gain a deeper understanding of self and the cycles of life. To embody sacred inner union and anchor love into our planet so we may best support the birth of a new humanity. I am happy to offer suggestions if you are in need of a supportive practice.
You are welcome with whatever degree of preparation feels right in this time.
There will also be fasting suggested closer to the event time.
I am here to hold the space for you to make the magic happen. I have held Rites of Passage Ceremonies for hundreds of women from all over the world over the last 20 years. I feel passionately that we need this on the planet now.
I am a descendant of Odin, of powerful dragon slayers and some of the fiercest shield maidens to ever walk this earth. I have a rich spiritual heritage and have been initiated into the ancient Tantric lineages of India and am a Priestess of the Isis Magdelane. I have dedicated my life to serving the rise of the Sacred Feminine so that we may know liberation through Inner Union and support the Awakening of Humanity.
Who is this for?
This is for any female bodied or female identified humans of any age, cultural or religous background who feel called to honour the Rites of Life.
If I have participated in this Ritual with you in the past can I do it again?
Absolutely! You can repeat the Ritual as you are now in a different era of your life and are in need of fresh contemplation and current acknowledgment.
Are any scholarships available?
Yes, there is a BIPOC scholarship available. Please reach put if you are interested in the spot.
Join the Rites of Passage Ceremony
Coming at Beltane